Borough Sports Facilities
Sports Facilities in the Borough.
King’s Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council has commissioned a piece of research to assess the provision of sports facilities and playing pitches across the borough.
It will include gaps in provision and assess likely future need generated by development taking place. The research will include identifying geographical areas where there is poor provision and assessing provision for specific groups e.g. disabled people and visitors.
It will look at the borough as a whole and it will look at three sub-areas (north, central and south), as well as nearby provision outside the borough. Findings from the research will be used to protect existing facilities and support the case for new facilities where need is identified, including funding bids for these.
This is not a guarantee that new facilities will be developed but it will vastly increase the chances of being able to fund them – which is likely to benefit your parish directly should you apply for new facilities. A wide-ranging consultation will form part of this work to ensure the voices of local groups/clubs and users are heard. This part of the work will include consultation with all the parish councils in the borough.
A firm of external consultants, Ploszajski and Lynch Consulting (PLC), has been commissioned to undertake research on the provision of facilities and pitches to inform the development of new strategies.
PLC will contact you in the next 1-2 weeks to invite you take part in the research. Please take the time if you can – your participation will benefit your own parish and the whole of the borough.If you have any questions about this, please contact Tommy Goode, head of performance and development at Alive West Norfolk, or 01553 818017.
Cllr Sam Sandel
Cabinet Member for People and Communities.