Sports Club - 1920s
Minutes of the Sports Club
The following are random extracts from the minute book of the East Winch and West Bilney Sports Club from the 1920s
25 August 1921
Present: Mrs and Miss Radford, Mr Chas. Reeve, Mr F W Hides, Mr A Valentine, Mr H A Burfield with Mr R Bugdale in the Chair.
The accounts were then read by Mr A Valentine of the Concert held at Mrs Harrissons at West Bilney and were passed satisfactory, leaving a balance in hand of ? (sic)
Mr Valentine then informed the committee he had seen Mr William Goodwyn who very kindly offered the use of his meadow on which to hold the proposed Sports. The Secretary then offered to see the printer at once and have the necessary bill printed also to write to Sir William J Lancaster, GH Rennie Esq asking them if they would kindly favour the committee with their presence also to see Mr Scales on the same matter. The meeting then adjourned.
Saturday September 3rd. 1921
The East Winch and West Bilney Sports Club held the first Sports on Saturday September 3rd. 1921 in Mr Goodwyn’s meadow which was well attended by the Parishioners and proved a success. Sir William Lancaster and the Misses Lancaster being present also the Rev H E Whalley and Mr & Mrs Godwyn also Mr W Scales who very kindly opened the event. After a most enjoyable time which was kept up until dusk Mrs Harrison very kindly distributed the prizes after expenses being paid a balance of £3-15-0 was left in hand and was deposited in the Post Office Savings Bank by the trustee Mr Valentine.
Friday September 30th 1921
A meeting of Ex Servicemen was held in the schoolroom on Friday September 30th. 1921.
When a letter was read by Mr Bugdale from F W Walling Esq, Assistant Administrator of the United Service Funds (Eastern Area) asking him to explain to the men the object of the fund also to what purpose, the grant could be put, after some discussion, it was proposed, by Mr A Underwood and seconded by Mr J Rye to ask the Ex Service men of the adjoining Parish of West Bilney if they were agreeable to join with the men of East Winch and to hold a joint meeting of the two Parishes to decide what would be the best way of spending the money so as to benefit the men of both villages. The Chairman was then asked if he would notify the men of West Bilney of their discussion, this being carried unanimously.
The Chairman said that he would see the Rev Knight, Vicar of West Bilney asking him if he would call a meeting of the Ex Servicemen and state our proposition to them and to let us have their decision as early as convenient.
…… Following that meeting a further meeting attended by representatives of both the Parishes met on
Friday October 13 1921
…. After discussion it was…
Proposed by Mr Underwood of East Winch and seconded by Mr F W Hide of West Bilney, that as there was already in existence the East Winch and West Bilney Sport Club, to hand over whatever Grant there might be due from the United Service Fund to the ex servicemen of the two villages, to that club. This was carried unanimously. The Chairman pointed out to them, that the committee dealing with any grant, from the United Service Fund, must consist of at least 50% ex servicemen. The names of the committee were then read over as follows
West Bilney East Winch
Mr J Wilson* Mr E Stanforth*
Mr F W Hides* (Secretary) Mr R Harper*
Mr H Turner* Mr R T Bugdale* (Chairman)
Mr F Hammond Mr G Reeve
Ladies Committee Mr H A Burfield
Mrs Radford, Mr A Valentine (Treasurer)
Miss Radford
Mrs Harrison
* indicates Ex Servicemen
Later – following completion of forms a letter was received from United Service Fund saying that the grant had been recommended…….
Trustee Meeting – Saturday December 17th 1921
….. The Chairman said he had received two cheques from Capt. Briegel, the Administrator of the United Service Fund, with instructions from him to hand over the same to them, the Trustees.
One cheque to the value of £7.5.0 being the amount granted to the service men of East Winch
The other cheque to the value of £6.10.0 being granted to the service men of West Bilney, to be used for no other purpose than they had already been instructed.
A Social evening was held on 27th May 1922 – the balance sheet of the event shows…
£ s d
Taken at the door 2 10 1
Pin Cushion 7 4
Bean Pitch 16 11
Refreshments Stall 1 15 11
Receipts 5 10 3
10 tin of Lemonade 7 6
1 lb of Butter 1 9
2 jars of Potted Meat 2 -
Cake & Swiss Roll 15 10½
Use of Glasses 4 6
Expenditure 1 11 7½
Receipts 5 10 3
Expenditure 1 11 7½
SPECIAL MEETING 11 September 1922
The Hut....
Your committee have been to see Sir William Lancaster about the Hut and grounds. Sir William was much interested in the whole thing and has offered the ground next to Mr Browns and offered to put the Hut up and charge up rent at 3%. The Hut will be 50 feet by 25 feet and raised 9 inches off the ground. There will be a space from the Carpenter’s Arms hedge of 5 feet, from Bilney Road 15 feet and at the far end of the Hut it will be 105 feet by 86 feet and from the right side of the Hut to Mr Brown’s wall 56feet. We have thanked Sir William Lancaster on your behalf for his kindness. No drinks will be allowed in the Hut and it will not be opened on Sunday.
It wasn’t always harmonious…..
A meeting held on 28 November 1922 at the Drill Hall
………A discussion then arose about what some of the committee had said and after several of the committee had spoken it was finally put to the meeting that all that had been said should be let pass and no more thought about, which was carried by all present.
…… It was moved that Mrs Neal be paid 1/- ( 1 shilling) in future for the use of her copper when social and Whist Drive were had, which was carried by all present.
3rd January 1923
A suggestion was made re one night each month for the Ladies to be admitted but it was referred to Rule 10 and Rule 11
17 January 1923
Proposed by Mr Valentine and seconded by Mr Burfield that we hold the opening night on Wednesday February 7th and that we open at 6.30 and that Miss Valentine be asked to come and help with the piano, which was carried.
A meeting was held in the Club Room East Winch on Tuesday January 30th 1923 at 8pm.
(This was the first meeting to be said to have been held at The Club Room – all previous meetings having held at The Drill Hall.)
Meeting held on May 28th 1923
… There was a few heated remarks passed on account of the Social money being given away to the Cricket Club without a proper Committee Meeting being called and proper sanctions being given and passed by the full Committee…….
Meeting held on Tuesday July 17th 1923
…… Mr Bugdale stated that he had seen Mrs Gamble with reference to Mr Gamble’s assistance, and she informed him that she was quite sure Mr Gamble would be pleased to help all he could and if possible she would give 2 (lbs ??) of butter.
A Yearly general Meeting was held at the Club Room on Wednesday February 6th 1924
…… There were some heated discussion and after some had spoke their mind all passed off in a Good fellowship Spirit.
Sports Committee Meeting – Wednesday April 9thh 1924
…. Caretakers salary. The Chairman stated that the Managers had recommended that the caretaker be paid a small salary of 5/- (5 Shillings) per month and 1/- extra for each Whist drive or Social, such sume to cover attending to lavatories etc.
…. Letting of the Club Room. Mr Radford then brought forward the charges for letting the Club Room. After much discussion the Secretary proposed at the charges be fixed for Parochial events (for the two parishes) as follows:- For a Whist Drive, including tables and cards 15/- and for a social 10/- and 2/6 (two shillings and sixpence) extra for Caretaker. The motion was seconded by Mrs Radford and carried.
Sports Committee Meeting – Tuesday February 9th 1926
The Chairman then stated that as the Club Room had now been vested in the Vicar and Churchwardens, which had altered the trustees existing agreement, some slight alteration would have to be made. He also informed the Committee that the trustees had met the Vicar & Churchwardens and discussed the matter and Sir Wm. Lancaster had informed the Vicar that he would be willing to take over all the goods which were in the Club Room, so that all would come under the one heading.
After a lengthy discussion had taken place a vote of the meeting was taken.
Proposed by Mr Wilson & seconded by Mr Stanforth, that Sir Wm Lancaster take over the goods at a fair valuation, subject to the approval of the Club.
As an amendment, Mr Browen proposed & Mr Reeve seconded that the goods be retained by the Committee.
A vote was then taken by show of hands, the result being – 6 for the proposition, 2 for the amendment, 3 neutral.
The proposition was declared Carried
Committee Meeting – April 26th 1926 at Mr H A Burfields house, Church Lane
……. The Chairman stated that this meeting had been duly called to decide what steps should be taken to recover the key and possession of the Club premises which the caretaker (Mr C W Reeve) refused to hand over.
The following resolution was proposed by Mr F Hammond – “That in view of the continued refusal to hand over the key of the Club premises, the caretaker, Mr C W Reeve, be hereby dismissed at once for wilful disobedience and that the trustees be empowered to take such steps as they may think fit to recover possession of the Club premises and to preserve the property of the Committee and to retain a solicitor if they so desire”
The resolution was seconded by Mr E Stanforth and carried unanimously.
Committee Meeting – Tuesday March 1st 1927
Bowling Green. It was unanimously agreed to proceed with the laying down of a Bowling Green. Proposed by Mr Hammond and seconded by Mr Bugdale that a man be paid to prepare stakes which Mr Valentine kindly offered t give. Carried.
Accounts. Proposed by Mr Valentine and seconded by Mrs Neal that the following accounts be paid
Messrs Scott and Son. Curtains £2 6s 4d
Mr F Gould repairing tables etc £1 5s 6d
Mr L Underwood… making curtains £ 3s 0d
Committee Meeting - Monday March 21st 1927
Bowling Green. After much discussion it was unanimously agreed to proceed with turfing the Bowling Green. Mr sayer, Ashwicken having kindly offered to provide the turf, Mr Valentine was asked to do the carting. The matter of finding labour and supervising was left to Messrs Bugdale, Binfield and
Committee Meeting – May 27th 1927
Bowling Green. The Bowling Green was then discussed. Mr Valentine proposed and Mr Neal seconded, that the secretary wite Sir Wm Lancaster and inform him what had been done, also that he write Mr Sayer, Ashwicken, thanking him for the turf and Mr Wiles, Middleton, for his kind supervision. Carried.
Committee Meeting – April 16th 1928
Bowling Club.. After a lengthy discussion.with reference to starting a Bowls Club, the secretary was asked to write Lord Fermoy and inform him of the Committee’s intention, as the Chairman had stated that His Lordship had offered to help the Club in supplying a few sets. This the secretary agreed to do.
Mr Hammond proposed and Mr Stanforth seconded that the Secretary obtain the necessary labour and get the green cut and rolled. Carried.
Committee Meeting – October 29th 1930
Hire of Room. An application from the Harlequins Concert Party for the hire of the room for a concert was refused on grounds of political nature.