Minutes of Parish Council Meetings
Parish Councillors.
To see names and contact details of members of the Parish Council - click here
Minutes of Parish Council that have been approved by Council may be seen by selecting the year and then the appropriate file from the links below.
'Notes' to the Minutes file were prepared for those occasions when it was not possible to hold public meetings, in 2020 & 2021, due to the pandemic, and no formal Minutes were prepared. The notes are the records of Council proceedings and actions. These Notes have become part of the Minute Book.
By following the same links below you will also find the NOTES to the Minutes book for the same year.
Select by year, as required, then select the minute required.
Please select the Minutes you require from above. Selecting a particular year will take you to a list of all the minutes for that year - saved as .pdf files; then select the particular Minute that you wish to see.