RSPCA Wildlife Centre

May 2022

New WILDLIFE shop at the RSPCA Wildlife Centre.

A new shop has recently been opened at the Centre.

Opening hours are - FRIDAY - 11am - 3pm. and SATURDAY 10am - 3pm.


The RSPCA main website is here RSPCA main website

The RSPCA Wildlife Centre has been established at East Winch since 1992.

Telephone: 0300 123 0709 (Office hours only)


Helpline 0300 1234 999

(emergency - outside office hours)

Our doors are open for the admittance of wildlife casualties from 8am to 10pm.

Please read our advice on orphaned wild animals and injured wild animals before contacting us about them.

Click to see East Winch Wildlife Centre

click to see RSPCA main website

If an animal is truly abandoned or injured then call us on:

0300 123 0709

The telephone line is open 9am to 4pm Monday to Friday only.

Outside these hours please call the 24-hour cruelty line on

0300 1234 999

Found a baby bird out of the nest? Click on the image to see it enlarged and find out what's best to do..

Professional care

EAST WINCH WILDLIFE CENTREHow it all began:-During the seal virus epidemic in 1988, the RSPCA and Greenpeace were given an old garage in Docking, Norfolk as a base to treat sick seals. It soon became clear that a permanent wildlife treatment centre was badly needed to care for many other wildlife casualties which were being brought in. Consequently, the RSPCA purchased and converted an old farm building in East Winch and the Wildlife Centre was opened in 1992.

RSPCA East Winch Wildlife Centre cares for thousands of wildlife casualties each year. We have trained and dedicated personnel including veterinary surgeons with detailed knowledge and a wide experience of wildlife care, rehabilitation and post-release monitoring.

Caring for seals

Release and post release monitoring

Rehabilitation facilities include

East Winch Wildlife Centre is renowned for its care of orphaned, sick or injured seals.

Centre staff developed a great deal of expertise during the RSPCA’s lifesaving work throughout the seal virus epidemics in 1988 and 2002.

Rehabilitation skills are constantly reviewed and developed, resulting in care of the highest quality.

* a Bryce Baker tank to assess diving ability, after cleaning, of oiled birds.

* specially designed intensive care unit with adaptable cubicles

* a fully equipped operating theatre and x-ray unit, providing the best in diagnosis and emergency treatment

* an extensive range of large pools, pens, waterfowl paddocks and aviaries


East Winch Wildlife Centre is committed to finding out if animals integrate and survive, once they have been released. We have successfully radio-tagged hand reared tawny owls, collared doves, blackbirds and satellite-tagged and tracked juvenile common seals.As part of DEFRA's BIG TREE PLANT

the RSPCA East Winch Wildlife Centre

planted 100 native trees on their site on

Click to see East Winch Wildlife Centre

The RSPCA main web site is here