The Arts Society (NADFAS) Record of church furnishings
The NADFAS Record of Church Furnishings was made by the King's Lynn Church Recording Group. It is a detailed record of the furnishings of All Saints church at East Winch. Work commenced in 2012 and was completed in 2014.
(Note: NADFAS is now known as 'The Arts Society' - website here The Arts Society )
Detailed recordings of the interior of the church includes memorials, metalwork, stonework, woodwork, textiles, paintings, windows and so on. Everything within the church has been measured, dated and minutely described.
Note that the exterior was not included in this record.
The Report.
Nadfas House, 8 Guildford Street, London WC1N 1DA.
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There is a loose-leaf copy of the complete record, available for inspection, in the church.
Permission has been given by NADFAS to reproduce copies of the photographs and text extracts here.
The following are extracts from the NADFAS report and are intended to give a flavour of the whole, with only a small proportion included here.
Chalice. (100A)
The chalice, and accompanying paten, were purchased with part of a bequest of
Miss Edith Childs. It is inscribed
"To the Glory of God and in memory of Edith Childs this chalice is given to the Church of East Winch 1926"
Described as 'deep conical, lightly hammered bowl on a hexagonal collet with stepped moulding below the bowl and above the knot. A stepped collet joins the hexagonal stem to a spreading sexfoil with stepped and moulded base that has a plait decoration on riser....'
it is made of sterling silver and is dated 1925.
Extracts of the report here are in no particular order.
Chalice (103A)
Dates from the second quarter of the 19c.
It is thought that this chalice, along with 2 plates, could form part of a collection of church plate that was purchased in 1847 with money from donors plus money for the return of old plate.
There is also a Communion Carrying Case in the church. Inside is a handwritten label with information, in two columns, regarding the acquisition of church plate and the gift of a Paten.
The label is headed - Church Plate/ 1847/. One column refers to a Cup £3.--, 2 Plates $4.14s. Engraving 9s, and cabinet £1.14s. A subtotal of £8.17s. Deduction for old plate is £1.15s, which leaves £7.2s to be paid.
The second column lists the following people and the sums they donated to make up the £7.2s.
Baptismal Shell.
Is modern - dating from 1968 - 1969. It is made of Sterling Silver with the inside being gilded.
Miss Logan.......10sMr Kittoe..........5s Rev. G M*.........£1 Mr R Curl...........£1 Mr Taylor...........£1.10s Mr Platter..........£1.4s Mr J Curl...........£1.4s 6d*. Believed to be Rev. G Mumford as recorded on List of Vicars displayed on the church wall.
Beneath these two columns there is another heading of 1882/ and underneath the words 'Paten, gift of the Vicar / E J Alvis /
Mrs Wix...........2s 6d
Dates from the second quarter of the 19c. Made of silver plate. Described as ' Tall, tapering cylindrical flagon with 3 moulded bands around the top and a domed lid. It has an erect open thumb rest and a large flattened spout with decorative tip. Hollow scroll handle of tapering form with decorative shield finial. The spreading skirt foot has a moulded band above a stepped moulded base.
Beneath the spout there is an inscription in Latin in roman capitals
DEO ET ECCLASIAE / E.EDWARDS, VICARIUS, / MDCCCXLV / (translates as God and Church / E Edwards Vicar / 1845.
A metal covered rectangular wooden chest with coved lid. The metal covering takes the form of batons, every other one of which is overlaid and studded with large flat nails.
The chest is described as 'quite battered and some of the metal has lifted off the ends of the domed lid'.
It dates from the 14th. c and is 47cm high x 96cm wide x 33cm deep.
The lid was originally hinged and lockable. However, only 3 partial hinges (of the five originals) now remain and the lid is resting on the box. Inside the chest it is partitioned
A pair of matching candlesticks, made of brass and dating from 1897.
Both were donated to the church by Miss E Childs.
One is inscribed 'To East Winch Church / and in memory of Louisa M. Childs / Easter 1897 and the other is inscribed 'To East Winch Church / and in memory of Charles E. Childs / Easter 1897
Is made of brass and stands 167cm high. It is 70cm wide and 49cm. from front to back. It was possibly donated to the church by Sir. William Lancaster in 1908.
The font is from the 15th. c with a modern, 1913, cover.
Made of stone, lead and wood, the font is octagonal. The east face shows the Howard family coat of arms, whilst the north face shows the arms of Alice Bosco, the wife of Sir John Howard II.
One of the other faces is blank, whilst the remaining faces are foliated. It stands on an octagonal stone plinth.
The cover was designed by Sir Ninian Comper in 1913. Like the font, it is octagonal. Each of the panels bears two coats of arms separated by designs of geometric tracery.
The bowl is lead lined with a central drain hole and a stopper on a chain.
The font and the original cover were metioned and illustrated in 'Weever's Memorials'. It mentions that the font and cover were erected in memory of the second Sir John Howard Kt in 1380.
Later, Rev. Alvis expresed a desire to see a replica of the decayed original font cover. Upon his death it was decided to commission a new cover and to dedicate it to the memory of Rev. Alvis.
Three faces were copied from the original and relate to the Howard family. Five faces represent the life and work of Rev. Alvis, Norfolk County Council, Sir William Lancaster (Patron in 1912), Christ College Cambridge and the University of Cambridge, St. Edmund (Martyr King of East Anglia), Manby (The vicar's maternal Grandfather, King's Lynn (Vicars birthplace and first school), All Saints and the See of Norwich.
It seems though that there are some discrepancies between what is seen today and what is printed in "Dedication of the Font Cover".(Printed dedication of font cover Sept. 9th. 1913 - Norfolk Record Office)
It is inscribed In MEMORY OF / EDWARDS JOHN ALVIS / M.A. VICAR OF THE PARISH / FROM 1872 / UNTIL APRIL 15th. / 1912 WHEN HE / DIED IN THE 72nd. / year of his age.
Corbels – Nave (see left)
There are ten stone corbels, 5 on the south wall and 5 on the north wall, each supporting a wall post and mounted on a vertical string course. Each corbel is a demi-angel. They date from the 15th.c.
Belfrey shutters. On each face of the tower, the belfry openings have shutters behind the central stone mullions. On each half of the shutter there are two cruciform shape cut outs, a small one beside the mullion and a larger one towards the outer edges. These are the only light and sound holes in the belfry.
The Chancel roof.
By 1878 the roof was reconstructed using re-used oak timbers from the 15c.
The Patron made himself responsible for the restoration of the chancel roof during the repairs of the 1870s, but in fact rebuilt the roof to the same design as the previous late 15c work, with the addition of carved bosses and corbels.
The bosses at the junction of each truss and purlin are all square and each shows clear nail holesw. They are carved, largely to show leaves and perals, with one of acorns and one with four stylised scallop shells
Edmund Kent was the Patron of the Living in the early 1870s, followed by his son Thomas from 1877 to 1919.The roof is described as being ‘an open truss double-framed roof in four bays. The roof trusses have shallow braces onto wall posts supported by carved stone corbels.
Window 700
5 lights and 26 tracery lights. The stonework is of mid 19th.c In Perpendicular style.
The main lights display three biblical scenes. Two depict the parable of the Good Samaritan, one a standing bearded Christ being the Good Shepherd, and the other two the Wise and Foolish Virgins.
The window dates from the last quarter of the 19th c.
The window is dedicated “To the glory of God and in memory of / Edmund Kent patron of the church / who died at Fakenham August 21 1876 / aged 76 years this window is dedicated / by his sorrowing widow Elizabeth.
Window 707
The stonework is in Perpendicular style and dates from the mid 15th c.
The window consists of 2 lights and 5 tracery lights.
The main lights depict St. Edmund and St. Ethelreda. There is a white scroll above each depicting their names.
A wall tablet of coloured marble is a memorial plaque to Edith Childs and dates from 1926. It is inscribedTo the glory of God and in memory of / Edith Childs who died the 14th of March 1925 / this window was filled with stained glass. / She was the younger daughter of Henry and Charlotte Childs of this parish to whose / memory & that of her sister Louisa Childs / and her brother Charles Edward Childs she / gave the west window. She also gave a silver / chalice and paten, an oak altar & other furniture / for the Sanctuary of this church. / ‘Lord I have loved the habitation of thy house / and the place where thine honour dwelleth’ /
The Coffin Stone (15th. century)
This coffin stone was recorded by Rev. Alvis (who was vicar from 1872) as having been found in 1875, lying face downwards in the porch. In referring to the battlemented edges and the mason's tools, he compares this decoration with the decorations to the transoms of the clerestory windows and the early pews in the aisles and suggests that this slab covered the body of an architect, master mason, or builder with this work in the church.
The Clock dates from 1908 and was made by Gillet & Johnston of Croydon.It is enclosed in a timber housing, standing on a frame. The clock is wound manually with the hour being struck on the tower bell. There are two faces, one on the east and one on the west of the tower.
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More photographs of the church may be seen here